4.1 Districts
For the purpose of applying this Bylaw, the municipality is divided into Zoning Districts. All
parts of the Municipality shall be designated as A - Agricultural District except those areas
specifically designated on the detailed Zoning District Map as another District. The Districts
A – Agricultural;
CR – Country Residential (dispersed low density);
CR 2– Country Residential (medium density);
LS – Lakeshore;
H – Hamlet;
R/R - Recreational Resort;
R/R 2 - Recreational Resort 2; and
ES – Environmentally Sensitive Overlay.
4.2 Boundaries
The boundaries of all Zoning Districts are shown on the maps entitled, "Zoning District Map"
which are attached to, and form a part of this Bylaw. Unless otherwise shown on the map or
specifically mentioned in the text of a particular District in this Bylaw, the boundaries of the
said districts are site lines, boundary limits of streets, lanes, roads or such lines extended and
the boundaries of the municipality.
4.3 Uses and Regulations
(1) Uses which are not included as a Permitted or Discretionary Use in this Bylaw and which
do not qualify as a Legal Non-conforming Use as defined in the Act and this Bylaw, shall be
treated as Prohibited Uses.
(2) Regulations for the Zoning Districts are outlined in the following Sections.