Index of Policies and Bylaws

Rural Municipality of Three Lakes

Highway Commercial/light Industrial Objectives and Policies

The following objectives and policies address the highway commercial and light industrial concerns and issues.


Proposals for these uses should meet the following Objectives by ensuring that they:

A. are in areas which will not be affected by, or would cause land use conflict as shown on the two Constraints Maps;

B. will conform to current Plan Policies, or would be beneficial to the RM and adjacent landowners; and

C. either conforms to the possible development areas shown on the Land Use Concept Map, or would benefit the environmental, social and economic attributes of the RM without causing land use or servicing problems as noted above.


A. Although no rezoning request has been received for highway commercial or light industrial uses, Council has decided to establish Policies for these uses in this Plan. Council will continue to encourage and promote the establishment of highway commercial enterprises which cater to the traveling public and local rural population as well as the establishment of light or small scale processing and industrial industries on sites where conflicts with other land uses will be avoided.

B. Council will encourage highway commercial and light industrial developments to locate near centers where full municipal services are available, or where unavailable, these services are provided by the developer.

C. Applications for rezoning of land for highway commercial or light industrial use will require a site plan which may include the following information or any other information requested by Council:

i) A map (drawn to scale) showing the proposed shape, dimensions, area and topography of the site;
ii) a sketch map (drawn to scale) indicating all existing land uses and structures within two kilometers of the proposed development site; and
iii) a description of the location, height, dimensions and use of all structures and outdoor storage areas which will be located on the proposed site, as well as setbacks, drainage provisions, proposed entrances/exits and trucking routes.

D. Existing highway commercial and light industrial land uses shall be deemed conforming by Council, and shall be recognized within the Zoning Bylaw.

E. Although there is no land currently shown as Light Industrial and Highway Commercial District in the new Zoning Bylaw, when rezoning requests are made to Council for such uses on land considered by Council to be suitable for such development, the foregoing Policies may be implemented by creating a new District in the Zoning Bylaw, to allow new subdivisions or issuance of development permits and building permits for those uses.

The foregoing Policies will also be considered in relation to SPI No. 6.11 (Sand and Gravel).

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