Index of Policies and Bylaws

Rural Municipality of Three Lakes

Recreational Resource Objectives and Policies


A. To ensure that the recreation resources of the RM can to be sustained through environmental protection of the lakes and watercourses associated wetlands.

B. To maximize the benefits and minimize the costs to the landscape and residents of the municipality which may result from recreation activities.

C. To avoid disturbance of fisheries habitat, critical wildlife habitat, hazard lands and other environmentally sensitive areas.

D. To allow new recreational activities in environmentally sensitive areas, heritage sensitive areas and hazard lands only to the extent that these lands are not detrimentally affected by recreational users.


A. Where appropriate, Council will permit the development of publicly-owned or privately-owned recreational facilities.

B. Recreational activities may occur in environmentally sensitive areas, heritage sensitive areas and hazard lands only to the extent that these lands are not detrimentally affected by recreational users.

D. Implementation: Recreational resource management objectives and policies shall be achieved by implementing all lakeshore management objectives, policies and procedures as well as instruments such as the Zoning Bylaw (there are two Districts for different types of Recreational resource uses), subdivision control procedures, the issuance of development permits and building permits, servicing agreements. Policies may also be added regarding the provision by the developer of information, for land considered unsuitable for development, and consultation and referral to the appropriate jurisdictions for Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Hazard Lands

The foregoing Policies will also be considered in relation to SPI No. 6.4 (Heritage and Culture) for any land which may be subsequently identified as having heritage significance.

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